20.MTM 2007
SREDA, 4. APRIL, 2007/ 2007, APRIL 4th, WEDNESDAY
11.00 Novinarska konferenca v hotelu City Ljubljana / Press conference at the City Hotel Ljubljana
12.30 Uradni žreb tekmovalk / Official draw
PETEK, 6. APRIL, 2007 / 2007, APRIL 6th, FRIDAY
14.30 Prihod delegacij / Arrival of the delegations
15.30–18.00 Uradni trening / Official training in the competition hall
18.30 Odhod v hotel City Ljubljana (tekmovalke) / Departure for the hotel (gymnasts)
18.30–19.30 Tehnični sestanek za sodnice / Judges meeting in the competition hall
19.30 Odhod v hotel City Ljubljana (sodnice) / Departure for the hotel (judges)
SOBOTA, 7. APRIL, 2007 / 2007, APRIL 7 th, SATURDAY
Dopoldan / Morning
08.00–08.50 Ogrevanje za skupini D in C / Warm up for groups D and C
09.00-09.50 Tekma skupine D / Competition group D
09.50-11.00 Tekma skupine C / Competition group C
11.05 Razglasitev rezultatov za skupini D in C / Awards
ceremony for groups D and C
11.00–11.15 Odmor za sodnice / Break for all the judges
11.10–11.15 Ogrevanje skupine B (tekmovalni tepih) / Warm up for group B (competition mat)
11.15–13.00 Tekma skupine B / Competition group B
Popoldan / Afternoon
13.00–13.30 Odmor za sodnice / Lunch Break for all the judges
13.15–13.25 Ogrevanje skupine A, prva polovica (tekmovalni tepih) / Warm up for group A, first half of gymnasts (competition mat)
13.25–15.15 Tekma skupine A (prva polovica) / Competition group A (first half of gymnasts)
15.15–15.25 Ogrevanje za skupino A, druga polovica (tekmovalni tepih) / Warm up for group A, second half of gymnasts (competition mat)
15.30–15.50 Svečana otvoritev / Opening ceremony
15.50–17.15 Tekma skupine A (druga polovica) / Competition group A (second half of gymnasts)
17.15–17.30 Zabavni šov program najboljših / Gala show programme
17.30 Razglasitev rezultatov za skupini B in A / Awards
ceremony for groups B and A
19.30 Zaključni banket v hotelu City Ljubljana / Closing dinner in the City Hotel Ljubljana
NEDELJA, 8. APRIL, 2007 / 2007, APRIL 8 th, SUNDAY
12.00- Odhod delegacij / Departure of delegations